Make it Happen!: A Self- Determination Program for students using AAC – Supporting middle school students with complex communication needs to develop self-determination skills through mentorship, guided practice, and real-world opportunities

In this session the presenters will describe implementation of a dynamic, high-quality self-determination program for students with complex communication needs (CCN). A variety of interactive activities paired with classroom lessons were used to target development of specific self-determination skills with elementary and middle school students. We will describe how students used a range of communication and technology tools to communicate and participate throughout the program. A Bridge School graduate who provided mentorship to the students in the program will describe her contributions and the role of mentorship in building SD skills. Through the use of case examples, photographs, and video clips, we will illustrate implementation of self-determination activities; interactions between mentor and mentee; and positive outcomes of students who participated in The Bridge School Self-Determination Program.