Eligibility and Admissions


Eligibility for Enrollment

From the initial screening phase to the final selection process, we consider the characteristics and educational needs of each applicant. Importantly, our decision-making process also must factor in the characteristics and instructional needs of our continuing Bridge School students and projected classroom configurations. Each year the eligibility criteria for enrollment at Bridge School changes somewhat, based on a range of variables that become increasingly evident as our continuing students are assigned to classrooms and transition plans for our “graduating” students are confirmed. For example, some years we select applicants who will join students who are chronologically older or younger than other applicants. In other years, we may be looking for students with slightly different age and/or ability profiles to complement or balance our instructional groupings. Therefore, if in a given year we were unable to accept your child for enrollment at The Bridge School, you may want to consider re-applying in the future.

When to Apply

We accept and review applications for new students throughout the year. While most new students are accepted for initial enrollment at the start of the school year, on occasion, we have unanticipated openings during the year making it possible to enroll new students mid-year. The number of openings varies depending on the number of students who will be transitioned back to their home school district.

Before you Apply

Carefully review the Essential Eligibility Criteria to determine whether or not your child meets these criteria. These eligibility criteria must be met for full consideration of your application during the initial screening process.

If you determine that your child meets the Essential Eligibility Criteria and want to pursue placement at The Bridge School, make yourself familiar with the Additional Selection Considerations. These are variables other than the individual student that are considered in our decision making process.